Introductory Material

The American Go Association has produced a free introduction to the game (pdf). It’s a 50 page guide which can be printed or downloaded for an e-reader. There’s also an online guide from Pandanet.

This is a fairly comprehensive tutorial site.

Thanks to Paul Smith of Cambridge Junior Chess & Go Club the British Go Association has a set of Introductory Problem Sheets.

Online Video Resources

There are some good introductions on YouTube. Here are a few we liked:
Key Concepts
The Go board comes in a number of sizes: 19×19, 13×13 and 9×9. The 9×9 game is a good place to start:
A 9×9 tutorial game – part 1
A 9×9 tutorial game – part 2

Shawn Ray has produced a complete introduction to the game.

Go Magic is an online teaching site and has produced an introductory course.

Putting Go stones on a crowded board without disturbing the others can be tricky. So here’s a video on how to pick and place a Go stone.

Our YouTube Channel

Look at our You Tube channel for lectures and other video material we have produced.

Other Online Resources

AI Sensei provides high quality AI analysis of yours games and other AI resources. It’s free of charge for basis use.

Daniel Hu, 6D writes on Go theory.

(1) How Alphazero has influenced Go strategy (pdf) here
(2) Approaches to static position analysis (pdf) here


We host the T Mark Hall reference collection along with other books donated or otherwise acquired.

which in due course will be catalogued but it includes many works by John Fairbairn including:

Other texts include:

  • 21st Century Dictionary of Basic Joseki

There is also a complete set of Go World

We also have a number of books available for loan free of charge to members. We will catalogue them here:

  • 100 Tips for Amateur Players II – Youngsoon Yoon
  • Baduk, Made Fun and Easy – Chinyung Nam
  • Go for Beginners – Kaoru Iwamoto
  • Teach Yourself Go – Charles Matthews
  • Games of Go: A dozen fully commented games of Go – Neil Moffat
  • Go By Example: Correcting common mistakes in double digit kyu play – Neil Moffat
  • Jump Up, Level 1 – Yoo Chang-Hyuk
  • More Go By Example: Improving single-digit kyu play – Neil Moffat
  • The Second Book of Go – Richard Bozulich

All additions to the library gratefully received.