Where we are

London Mindsports Centre, 21 Dalling Road, W6 0JD (How To Get There).

Beginners (or just curious)

If you are new to the game or want to find out more read on.

Club (Social) Go – 1st Floor, T Mark Hall Room

 (for tournaments and other events see below)
Saturday 2pm – 7pm (except tournaments)
Wednesday 7pm – 11pm
If you are aged under 18, a full time student, in a concessionary category, a short-term overseas visitor, or it is your first visit then attendance is free of charge.
Otherwise there is a fee (details).

On Line

We have an online group on OGS, activities there will emerge based based on the enthusiasms of its participants.

Tournaments, Lectures and Teaching

Lecture 22nd February 2025, 2.15pm
6th Not The London Open 24th-26th May 2025
6 rounds, EGF Class A